DSA Supplier Source: Why Should We Pay Attention to Social Marketing Automation?

Good solutions are also catalysts for consolidation. They provide valuable opportunities for companies to consolidate disparate tools and products into a single core solution that is scalable, highly functional and ROI-driven. For example, social marketing automation (SMA) is a core solution that consolidates, evolves and aligns multiple social and digital media programs and capabilities to drive measurable results.

“SMA picks up where traditional marketing automation left off and combines the power of content-driven digital media, interactive video engagement, multimodal distribution, mobile and social fusion, robust customer relationship management and advanced analytics to transform content marketing programs into automated conversion-focused initiatives,” says Sebastian Leonardi, DSXgroup’s President and Chief Business Strategist.

Consequently, SMA promotes growth on multiple levels through program integration. In this process inherent to SMA, specifically designed programs are bonded to implemented solutions to infuse four critical factors for driving success: Adoption, Utilization, Dependency and Replicable Behaviors.

While some companies combine communication tools and social media products to build community, SMA leverages the community to deliver a measurable impact on revenue and conversion.

Submitted By:
Sebastian J. Leonardi, President & Chief Business Strategist
DSXgroup, LLC

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