Game On! Using Game Design to Influence Salesforce Behavior
One of the most important goals of any technology for your field is to motivate behavior, but when everyone is on “e-overload,” what can you do to make sure you’re providing an appealing and user-friendly experience that results in the selling and recruiting behaviors you’re seeking?
One answer is gamification: the use of game-design elements (such as awarding points, badges or other incentives) to make certain activities more enjoyable or easy to understand. Awarding points, creating badges or tokens and rewarding certain behaviors with tangible or intangible benefits is a proven method to motivate your field to act.
During this session, attendees will learn how to incorporate these elements into their respective salesforce’s toolbox as they hear from senior game designer at Badgeville, Tony Ventrice- The Behavior Platform, as he describes what gamification is and how you can use it to drive real results in the salesforce behaviors that matter the most to you.
Attendees at the conference will receive DSXgroup's latest whitepaper on Social Marketing Automation entitled, 'Gamification Demystified' specifically developed for the direct selling industry. The whitepaper defines gamification's application to the direct selling industry and how game mechanics correlate to system design and driving performance.
Individuals not in attendance that would like to receive the Whitepaper may do so by clicking on the following link: DSXgroup SMA Whitepaper-Gamification Demystified